Underdogs by Mariano Azuela |
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About The Author: Mariano Azuela, the first of the "novelists of the Revolution," was born in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico, in 1873. Hestudied medicine in Guadalajara and returned to Lagos in 1909, where he began the practice of his profession. He began his writing career early; in 1896 he published Impressions of a Student in a weekly of Mexico City. This was followed by numerous sketches and short stories, and in 1911 by his first novel, Andres Perez, maderista. Like most of the young Liberals, he supported Francisco I.
Madero's uprising, which overthrew the dictatorship of Porfirio
Diaz, and in 1911 was made Director of Education of the State
of Jalisco. After Madero's assassination, he joined the army
of But Azuela was fundamentally a moralist, and his disappointment
with the Revolution soon began to manifest itself. He had
fought for a better Mexico; but he saw that while the Revolution
had corrected certain injustices, it had given rise to others During his later years, and until his death in 1952, he lived in Mexico City writing and practicing his profession among the poor. |